Call for Abstract

3rd International Conference on Applied Physics and Materials Science, will be organized around the theme ““Innovative Strategies for Better Future in Physics””

Physics Conference 2022 is comprised of 20 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Physics Conference 2022.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Nanoscience is the study of ultra-small structures and materials, as well as the unique and appealing properties these materials exhibit. It is the application and study of little objects that can be employed in a variety of sectors including as research, development, and material science. These particles have the power to control individual atoms. Nanotechnology offers enormous potential for providing novel solutions to a variety of difficulties in science, essentialism, material science, contingency, and therapeutic disciplines.

  • Carbon nanotube and properties
  • Multi wall Nanotubes
  • Carbon material research

Physics is a discipline of science that studies the properties and behaviour of elementary particles by observing collisions or decays involving energy of hundreds of mega electron volts. High-energy nuclear research includes the study of nuclear matter at severe conditions, as well as the Quark-Gluon Plasma, which existed for about a microsecond after the Big Bang. Exotic mesons, multi-GeV reaction experiments, and the quark-gluon plasma, which were previously classified as particle physics topics, are now included.

  • Nuclear decay.
  • Nuclear fusion.
  • Nuclear fission.
  • Production of "heavy" elements.

Material physics is the branch of physics concerned with the physical properties of materials. It's a subdiscipline of condensed matter physics that applies fundamental condensed matter principles to complicated multiphase media, including technologically significant materials. It lays the framework for future key technologies like nanotechnology and biomaterials to build novel materials with previously impossible functions.

  • Relativistic mechanics. Special. General.
  • Nuclear physics.
  • Quantum mechanics.
  • Particle physics.
  • Atomic, molecular, and optical physics

Astro-particle physics is a subfield of particle physics that studies fundamental particles that have astronomical origins. It's at the intersection of particle physics and astrophysics. Cosmology, on the other hand, is the study of the birth and growth of the universe. This relatively young field combines particle physics, astronomy, astrophysics, relativity, solid state physics, and cosmology.

  • Dark Matter.
  • Charged Cosmic Radiation.
  • Gamma-Ray Astronomy.
  • High-Energy Neutrino Astrophysics.
  • Low-Energy Neutrino Astrophysics.
  • Neutrino Properties.

Compressed items are those that have been compressed into a smaller size. Physics is an area of material science that studies the physical aspects of matter's condensate process, which occurs when particles stick together. Quantum mechanics and electromagnetism are two examples of such laws. It is closely related to atomic and biophysics. Condensed matter physics research includes the invention of the semiconductor transistor, laser technology, and other phenomena researched in the context of nanotechnology.

  • Classical physics.
  • Advent of quantum mechanics.
  • Modern many-body physics.
  • Emergence.
  • Electronic theory of solids.
  • Symmetry breaking

Modern physics is concerned with matter and energy behaviour under severe conditions or on a very broad or extremely tiny scale, whereas classical physics is concerned with matter and energy behaviour on a regular scale of observation. Modern physics, on the other hand, places a premium on time and space. Between the areas of classical and modern physics, we can distinguish acoustics, optics, or mechanics in the most fundamental area, and cosmology, quantum mechanics, or relativity in the most current applications.

  • Classical mechanics.
  • Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics.
  • Electromagnetism and photonics.
  • Relativistic mechanics.
  • Quantum mechanics, atomic physics, and molecular physics.
  • Optics and acoustics.

A country's ability to harness nature and deal with the problems it poses is dictated by its thorough grasp of materials, as well as its ability to design and manufacture them for various applications. Optical fibres, laser fibres, sensors for intelligent surroundings, energy goods for clean energy and the environment, light alloys for better mobility, strategic materials, and more. Due to their numerous applications and potential benefits, advanced materials will play a larger role in the coming years.

  • Shape-Memory Alloys and Phase Change Materials
  • Electroluminescent and Electrochromic Materials
  • Polymer-based Smart Materials

Characterization refers to a broader and more complete way of inspecting and measuring a material's structure and properties in materials science. Without it, no scientific understanding of engineering materials would be conceivable. Spectroscopy is the study of the intensity of light as a function of wavelength. Microscopy is a discipline of science that includes looking at objects that are too small to view with the naked eye using microscopes.

  • Quantum Mechanics
  • classical Mechanics
  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Kinematics
  • Dynamics

In the discipline of metallurgy, material science is also important. Powder metallurgy encompasses a wide range of procedures that employ metal powders to make materials or pieces. They can reduce costs by eliminating or greatly reducing the requirement for metal removal processes. Pyro metallurgy is the heating of minerals, metallurgical ores, and concentrates to cause physical and chemical changes in the materials that allow for the recovery of valuable metals.

  • Fuels and Refractories ,
  • Furnace Technology and Pyrometry,
  • Iron and steel,
  • Metallurgical Thermodynamics,
  • Foundry metallurgy,
  • Non-ferrous extraction metallurgy

Graphene was the first 2D material to be isolated. Graphene and other two-dimensional materials offer a long list of unique features, making them a popular subject for scientific investigation and technological development. Pure graphene has a wide range of mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties. Graphene can also improve the thermal conductivity of a material, allowing for greater heat dissipation. Graphene can be utilised alone or as a component in other materials in applications that require a high level of electrical conductivity. Even at very low concentrations, graphene can dramatically improve the capacity of electrical charge to flow in a substance.

  • Chemistry of 2-D Materials
  • Science and applications of graphene and new 2D materials
  • Correlation Effects in Graphene and 2D Materials

Electronic and Magnetic Materials research combines the fundamental concepts of solid state physics and chemistry with materials science production to create new products. Intermolecular interactions are also known as molecular interactions. Changes in molecular interactions are required for melting, unfolding, strand splitting, and boiling. The essential features of electrical and magnetic materials are rigid rotation and temporal dependence. This has to do with using a computer simulation to build an evolution plan. For a given period in ord, a process for finding physical motions that interact with atoms and molecules.

  • Paramagnetic materials.
  • Diamagnetic materials.
  • Ferromagnetic materials. 
  • Ferrites.

The application of engineering ideas and design concepts to medicine and biology for healthcare reasons is known as biomedical engineering or medical engineering. It aims to bridge the gap between engineering and medicine by combining engineering's design and problem-solving talents with medical biology to advance health-care treatment, such as diagnosis, monitoring, and therapy. The management of modern medical equipment in hospitals while complying to appropriate industry standards is also included in the scope of a biomedical engineer. In comparison to many other engineering topics, biomedical engineering has just lately evolved as a distinct field of study.

  • Biomechanics. 
  • Cellular, Tissue, and Genetic Engineering. 
  • Clinical Engineering. 
  • Medical Imaging. 
  • Orthopedic Bioengineering. 
  • Rehabilitation Engineering

Electric batteries are made up of one or more chemical science cells that are connected to the outside world and used to power electrical equipment like flashlights, smartphones, and electric cars.

Energy Materials and energy balances are accounting tables that provide information on the natural environment's fabric input into an economy, its transformation and usage in economic activities (extraction, conversion, producing, consumption), and its return to the natural environment as residuals (wastes). 

Materials associate degree energy balances square measure accounting tables that offer info on the fabric input into an economy delivered by the natural surroundings, the transformation and use of that input in economic processes (extraction, conversion, producing, consumption) and its come to the natural surroundings as residuals (wastes).

  • Hierarchical Carbon materials for future energy application
  • Advanced materials for energy storage
  • Hydrogen adsorption in carbon materials

This is the study of advanced materials at the molecular or nuclear level in order to speed up progress, improve product efficacy, develop new assembly procedures, or improve human learning. Because of the capacity to quickly and consistently build up many conductive layers with nanoscale determination, many microelectronic devices have been shrunk down and require minimal effort. HVAC, Building Controls, Energy Management, Energy Savings, Lighting Controls, and Wireless are all areas where Practical Devices has established itself as a leader.

  • Frontiers of Nano-Optoelectronic Systems
  • Issues in Materials Development
  • Heterogeneous Materials
  • From Molecules to Materials

Material Science & Engineering is a branch of science concerned with the structure, properties, durability, characterization, and technique of materials used in construction or manufacturing, such as metals, polymers, ceramics, and composites, among others. We can understand the history of the fabric, such as physical and chemical properties, with the help of fabric research, which is why material science and engineering have a wide range of applications in rhetorical engineering, Nanotechnology, biomaterials, metallurgy, failure analysis, and investigation materials.

  • Shape-Memory Alloys and Phase Change Materials 
  • Electroluminescent and Electrochromic Materials 
  • Polymer-based Smart Materials


Optical physics, Quantum Electronics and photonics studies the behaviour of light on nano meter scales as well as interactions of nano meter sized objects with lights. Nano photonics is considered a branch of electrical engineering, optics, and optical engineering as well as being a branch of nanotechnology.Nano electronics is refers to the utilization of Nanotechnology in electronic components. These components are often only a couple of Nano meter in size. However, the tiny electronic components become the harder they're to manufacture. Quantum effects such as tunnelling and atomistic disorder dominate the individuality of these Nano scale devices.

  • Light.
  • Physics.
  • Optogenetics.
  • Fermat's principle.
  • Atmospheric optics.
  • Lambert's law.
  • Quantum optics.

Quantum Science is the study of the tiniest particles, which are thought to be the universe's fundamental particles. Understanding the properties of solids, atoms, nuclei, subatomic particles, and light involves quantum Science. Quantum computation, quantum cryptography, and quantum teleportation are some of its subfields. The science of transmitting hidden messages over a quantum medium is known as quantum cryptography.

  • Shape-Memory Alloys and Phase Change Materials
  • Electroluminescent and Electrochromic Materials
  • Polymer-based Smart Materials

Plasma science is the study of charged particles and fluids that interact with self-consistent electric and magnetic fields. Space and astrophysics, controlled fusion, accelerator physics, and beam storage are all fields of application for this research discipline. Plasma science is also being used in conjunction with nanotechnology to develop catalytic fuel cell electrodes that need only a fifth of the platinum needed by traditional electrodes. Such developments are likely to have a resonant impact on potential "green" vehicles.

  • Plasma chemistry.
  • Plasma processing.
  • Plasma spray.
  • Plasma display.
  • Plasma sources.
  • Dusty plasmas.

Electromagnetism and Electronics is one of the four basic forces and is a field of physics concerned with the study of the electromagnetic force. It is concerned with the physical interactions of electricity and magnetism. Electronics, on the other hand, is the study of how to regulate electron movement. Analogue electronics, Digital electronics, Microelectronics, and Embedded systems are some of the branches of electronics.

  • Magnetism.
  • Electromagnetism.
  • Dipoles and Monopoles.
  • Strength of magnetic field.
  • Permeability, paramagnetism, ferromagnetism and diamagnetism. 
  • Cause of magnetism.

Quantum entanglement and cryptography is a convention to convey mystery keys utilizing the standard and speculations of quantum mechanics, which additionally relies upon old style hypothesis. The key which is circulated must be both normal and mystery.Quantum digital security and Quantum tokens for computerized security have assumed an undeniably critical job in this improvement since they join the upsides of a little structure, diminished generation costs, quick estimation speeds, high exactness, dependability, and non-contact estimations crosswise over enormous separations utilizing quantum cryptography.

  • Mistrustful quantum cryptography.
  • Quantum coin flipping.
  • Quantum commitment.
  • Bounded- and noisy-quantum-storage model.
  • Position-based quantum cryptography.
  • Device-independent quantum cryptography