Durgadas Datta
Title: Emergent Gravity with Two Kinds of Gravitons –Fermion Graviton with Mass for a Molecular Classical Gravity and a Mass Less Boson Graviton for a Quantum Level Action On Quarks For A Strong Nuclear Force
Biography: Durgadas Datta
Our universe with five percent matter and remaining dark energy and dark matter is a profound realization of modern astronomy throwing modern physics in big crisis with a number of questions. Are we comfortable with relativity and gravity theory of Einstein? How gravity mechanism can be explained? Can we say that dark energy is having direct link with gravity mechanism? Do we have to revise atomic model without strong force? Then can we prove that all remaining three forces are electromagnetic due to mono magnetic coupling in dark energy gravitons? How all the molecular couplings are same to cause equal fall of Galileo or equal number of molecules from Avogadro. Is equivalence principle is local phenomena or universal? Chemistry may not be possible in many parts of our universe due to non applicability of Avogadro law. Any correction required in number of quarks due to revision in standard model without strong force? All these issues can be taken up by LHC for further exploration and I tried to give some proposals in my essay in describing how our universe can be viewed from big bounce to present day and some analysis of modern idea of Dr.Guth’s exponential inflation at the time of big bounce as well as interpretation of BICEP2