Loris Ferrari
University of Bologna
Loris Ferrari graduated in Physics at the University of Bologna in 1973, summa cum laude. He got the “Enrico Fermi†award for the best thesis in Physics in 1974. He became associate professor in Condensed Matter Physics in 1981. He worked on the theory of disordered systems and glasses, cooperating, in particular, with sir N.F. Mott (Nobel Prize for Phyisics in 1977), W.A. Phillips (Cambridge University, UK) S.A. Dembovsky (Russian Academy of Science), M.I. Klinger (Bar-Ilan University, Israel). He worked on non autonomous quantum sysyems, in cooperation with R. Lewis (Dartmouth College, USA). He is author of 85 publications on international reviews of physics and physical chemistry.
Research Interest
Condensed Matter Physics and Non autonomous quantum Systems.