Day :
- Theoretical Physics | Condensed Matter Physics | High Energy Nuclear Physics | Quantum Physics | Mathematical and Computational Physics
Location: Meeting Hall

Anna Backerra
Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Session Introduction
Vladimir G Plekhanov
Fonoriton Sci. Lab., Garon LtD., Estonia
Title: Experimental manifestation of the residual strong nuclear interaction via renormalization of the elementary excitations energy of solid
Time : 12:30 - 13:00

When nuclear physics developed, two new short – ranged interactions joined to the well – known long – ranged interactions of the gravitational and electromagnetic forces. These are nuclear force, which acts between nucleons (protons, neutrons) and weak force which manifests itself in nuclear β – decay. The nuclear force is a result of the residual strong force binding quarks to form protons and neutrons. There is a common place in contemporary physics that the strong force does not act on leptons. Our experimental results show the violation of this strong conclusion. Until now macroscopic manifestation of the strong nuclear interaction are restricted to radioactivity and the release of nuclear energy. Our report is devoted to the description of the significantly new kind manifestation of the residual strong force. We have studied the low – temperature (2 K) optical spectra (luminescence, reflection and scattering of light) of the LiH and LiD crystals which differ by term of one neutron from each other. In dielectrics crystals an electron from valence band (Fig. a) is excited into conduction band. The attractive Coulomb potential between the missing electron in valence band, which can be regarded as a positively hole, and electron in conduction band forms exciton which energy En =1s
Amlan. K. Roy
IISER Kolkata, India
Title: Effect of spatial confinement on the electronic structure of atoms: A density functional formalism
Time : 14:00 - 14:30

S. L. Lebedev
Surgut State University, Russian Federation
Title: New faces of correspondence principle in high energy spin physics
Time : 14:30 - 15:00

S L Lebedev has completed his graduation from Physical School of Dnepropetrovsk State University (Ukraine), and PhD from P N Lebedev Physical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences (FIAN). He is an Associated Professor at Surgut State University (Russian Federation), and Director of Research Team focusing on Quantum Electrodynamics and High Energy Phenomena.
Despite the formal disappearance of spin in classical limit n ̶˃0 the concept of classical charged magneton found numerous applications in high energy physics of polarized beams. The radiation effects such as spin light and radiative polarization (RP) are usually treated as being purely quantum in nature. Nevertheless, the analysis of Novosibirsk 1984-year experiment have shown that full understanding of spin light phenomenon could be achieved through the use of classical Frenkel model (FM). Within the given approximations the principal deviation of FM from the widely used Bargmann–Michel-Telegdi model lies in the field-dependent addition to the electron mass. The latter is responsible for the unusual sign of the spin contributions to the rate and power of synchrotron radiation. This inertial spin effects seems to be a universal property of the charged magneton-type systems. The wide class of the models descriptive of those systems employs the Grassmann algebra to represent (pseudo) classical spin degrees of freedom. We show that spin and trajectory equations of FM could be reconciled with the appropriate equations of pseudoclassical Berezin–Marinov model after the procedure of averaging over Grassmann variables have been applied. Within a classical approach we give also a brief discussion of RP phenomenon considering its possible relation to ‘circular Unruh effect’.
Azzam Almosallami
Independent Researcher, Switzerland
Title: Special and general relativity and the relativistic ether as observer dependent by the retardation

Azzam Almosallami is a Theoretical Physicist based out of Zurich, Switzerland. He has published many articles and researched on many theories. His research was published in a journal and it is well known among most of the professors in physics. It was discussed in research gate since four years and succeeded in his paper in quantization of gravity. Because of that the discussion about relativity SRT and GR is almost closed. With the help of his theory, he could solve all the problems in physics very easily.
In this paper I’ll show how the relativistic effect in SRT must be observer dependent which is leading to field and retardation, and that is leading to the wave-particle duality and the uncertainty principle by the vacuum fluctuation. In this I propose a new transformation by translating the retardation according to the invariance by the entanglement which is leading to the relativistic ether from the point of view of the quantum vacuum which is leading to the wave-particle duality and the uncertainty principle by the vacuum fluctuation. According to my transformation, there are two pictures for the moving train, and these two pictures are separate in space and time as a result of the retardation but they are entangled by the invariance of the energy momentum. That will lead also to explain the double slit experiment from the point of view of quantum theory. In my new transformation, I propose there is no space-time continuum, as in special relativity; it is only time, and space is invariant. That leads to the new transformation being vacuum energy dependent instead of relative velocity dependent as in Einstein’s interpretation of the Lorentz transformation equations of the theory of special relativity. Furthermore, the Lorentz factor in my transformation is equivalent to the refractive index in optics. That leads to the disappearance of all the paradoxes of the theory of special relativity: The Twin paradox, Ehrenfest paradox, the Ladder paradox, and Bell’s spaceship paradox. Furthermore, according to my interpretation, one could explain the experimental results of quantum tunneling and entanglement (spooky action), Casimir effect, and Hartman effect. Also according to that by my equivalence principle, dark matter and dark energy are explained, and no need to propose dark matter and dark energy, and as a consequence of that, the cosmological constant problem will be solved.
Sreeja Loho Choudhury
Technical University in Dresden, Germany
Title: A new approach to the generalization of planck’s law of black-body radiation

Sreeja Loho Choudhury has completed her Bachelor’s degree in Physics from St. Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad, India. She did her Master’s degree in Physics from Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, India. She has now joined her PhD at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, Technical University in Dresden, Germany in the month of April, 2018. She is working in the Field of Atomic and Molecular Physics, and her Master’s thesis was about generalizing the Planck’s law of Radiation and Applying It to Plasma Physics. Her Bachelors thesis was about studying the Effect of Charge-State Ratios on the Flow of Solar Wind.
In this study, Planck’s law of black-body radiation has been modified within the framework of nonextensive statistical mechanics. The average energy of radiation has been derived by introducing the nonextensive partition function in the statistical relation of internal energy. The spectral energy density and spectral radiance have also been computed. The derived expression has been compared with the earlier developed approximate schemes (i.e. asymptotic approach and factorization approach) and with the recently obtained exact result. We utilize the exact and approximate Stefan-Boltzmann laws in order to compare with the new approach introduced here.
Ophelie Squillace
Durham University, United Kingdom
Title: MLBSE - A Model of tethered lipid bilayers using anchor-harpoon surfactants on designed electrodes

Ophelie Squillace has completed her PhD from Le Mans University. She has pursued a year of Post-doctoral study in the Le Mans University to complete her work on new models of tetered membrane for biosensors applications in collaboration with INRA, Paris. She has now joined the group of Richard Tompson at Durham University as a Postdoctoral Research Assistant.
Models for biological membranes are essential to address fundamental studies regarding membrane-membrane interaction, the functionality of proteins, the dynamics of ions through the membrane and its structure in itself. Maintaining the membrane hydrated, fluidic and close to the substrate without cumbersome chemistry can be a challenge. Here, we develop a new experimental approach where a single model phospholipid bilayer is kept fluid and partially tethered to a flat electrode. We proposed an original anchoring surface functionalization that is highly reactive to –OH terminated molecules. In this way we avoid complex organic chemistry and graft commercial Brij non-ionic surfactants chosen for: their appropriate hydrophilic chain length that forms an aqueous cushion for the membrane; their hydrophobic alkyl block that anchors the lipid bilayers by insertion in their core. In this way, we keep the membrane fluidity in full immersion and presence of salts. This method appears to be a simple and cheap way to prepare tethered membranes with tunable anchoring densities on various supporting materials. Using transparent electrodes (ultra-flat and thin metal layers on glass), we could check the membrane fluidity and lipids dynamics from fluorescence techniques (such as in-situ FRAP for measuring the lateral diffusion of inserted fluorescent lipids). The transparent electrodes are also designed for high-resolution structure investigation of the single membrane using x-ray, neutron and light scattering methods (microscopies, surface plasmon resonance, fluorescence). Tethering the bilayer on conducting substrates also open avenues for the use of cheap and easy to build membrane biochips for biotechnological applications.
Daniel MartÃnez Tibaduiza
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Title: On the frequency function for stronger squeezing degree and the exact algebraic solution for the quantum harmonic oscillator with variable frequency

Daniel Martínez Tibaduiza has completed his MSc in Theoretical Physics with emphasis in colloidal stability and is a PhD Candidate in Physics at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Actually is researching in Quantum Electrodynamics and the Dynamical Casimir Effect. He is an expert in Mathematical Methods Applied in Physics and It Computational Implementation. He has extensive experience in Basic Physics and Mathematics Education, and has two collaborations published in reputed journals and two researches that will be soonly submitted.
We obtained an exact algebraic solution for the quantum harmonic oscillator with variable frequency in a closed form. This allows us to implement a numerical calculation to study the dynamics of the system. It is shown that for any frequency function, the instantaneous state of the system is a squeezed one of the initial Hamiltonian. Once the final state is found, is mandatory to analyse the models that maximize the squeezing degree. We present a discussion by comparison of the Janszky-Adam scheme, where the frequency modulation accounts through sudden changes between two stable frequencies, and the parametric resonance model, where the frequency modulation accounts through a harmonic function. In such analyses new aspects of the problem are elucidated.
- Atomic and Molecular Physics | Material Physics | Medical Physics and Biophysics | Applied Physics | Condensed Matter Physics
Location: Pegase
Q H Peng
Nanjing University, China
Session Introduction
V.V. Tereshchenko
Surgut State University, Russian Federation
Title: Spin dynamics of electron in berezin-marinov model

Tereshchenko Vladimir Vladimirovich has received his Master’s degree, and has completed Postgraduate course at Surgut State University (SurSU). He is the Lecturer and Deputy Director of the Polytechnic Institute of SurSU. He is engaged in the research of Spin Radiation Effects with Classical Electrodynamics.
Pseudo-classical spin systems of relativistic particles are usually considered as the toy-models when treating the problems of quantization in string theory. Due to nilpotent nature of the dynamical variables the practical significance of these models becomes possible after one employs the procedure of averaging over Grassmann degrees of freedom with the help of Berezin–Marinov (BM) density matrix. On the other hand, the application of classical Frenkel model to obtain (major) spin contributions to synchrotron radiation (SR) gave an insight into puzzle with their unusual sign. It is notable also that in what concerns the spin radiation effects, the widely used BMT model of spinning charge gives only a part of QED spin corrections to SR. The purpose of our work was to investigate the correspondence between pseudo-classical Berezin-Marinov (BM) model and Frenkel model. In the case of homogeneous external field background we show that classical Frenkel equations for the spin and for the trajectory of electron could be obtained within BM pseudo-classical mechanics. The proof makes use of indefinability of the nilpotent Lagrange factor λ present in BM Lagrangian and employs the above mentioned procedure of averaging. That indefinability is a peculiar property of BM model. The correspondences between constraints in both models are also discussed.
Ilyas Seckin
Eyuboglu College, Turkey
Title: Reduction of wear in vehicle pistons with copper oxide effect and extension of motor life

Ilyas Seckin is the 11th grade IBDP student of EyüboÄŸlu College. In 2017 and 2018, he was accepted to the regional final at the TUBITAK High School Project competition with his projects in Physics and became the third in 2018. He has two articles published in international scientific journals, has participated in the International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology in Chicago by oral presentation. He got the Excellent Paper Award. He was the Captain of the FRC team, has interested in Mechatronics, Astrophysics, Aviation and Artificial Intelligence.
Our vehicles equipped with internal combustion engines facilitate a significant part of our lives and are used in every area from transportation to industry, from trade to health. However, increasing the efficiency of these engines will contribute both economically and to the environment positively. The frequent maintenance periods of the internal combustion engines increase the operating costs and shorten the service life. The heat caused by friction causes the gap between the metal atoms of the piston and the oxygen molecules that fill the cavities prevent the closure of cracks and disrupt the integrity of the metal. This distortion leads to fracture cracking and this leads to abrasion. Wear is a major problem in the engine and the revision costs of the engine increase due to wear. In order to prevent erosion during the literature review of our project, we concluded that we should first prevent oxygen atoms from entering the piston. Many oils and additives are now used to prevent the introduction of oxygen molecules between metal atoms. Increasing the efficiency of these additives and finding new additives, increasing the efficiency of internal combustion engines or wherever the friction effect is seen means lowering the cost. Thanks to the copper oxide solution, our new lubricating liquid covers the pistons or the metal exposed to the friction and prevents the filling of the gaps during expansion by filling with oxygen atoms, thus preventing the onset of abrasion. The results of the surface roughness tests we conducted before and after the experiments support our idea and show that our experience was successful. Our lubricating fluid, which is more efficient than other oils, can be used in all metals and does not damage metals in the long term and its cost, is lower than other oils and additives.
Ophelie Squillace
Durham University, United Kingdom
Title: Molecular migration in polyvinyl acetate matrix. Impact of compatibility, number of migrants and stress on surface and internal microstructure

Ophelie Squillace has completed her PhD from Le Mans University. She has pursued a year of Post-doctoral study in the Le Mans University to complete her work on new models of tethered membrane for biosensors applications in collaboration with INRA, Paris. She has now joined in the group of Richard Thompson at Durham University as a Postdoctoral Research Assistant.
Migration of small molecules to, and across the surface of polymer matrices is a little-studied problem with important industrial applications. Indeed the ability of small molecules to migrate through a polymer matrix to achieve the desired properties will impact the function of a product. It’s been shown that chemical and molecular structure, surface free energies, phase behaviour, close environment and compatibility of the system, influence the migrants’ motion. When differences in behaviour, such as occurrence of segregation to the surface or not, are observed it is then of crucial importance to identify and get a better understanding of the driving forces competing in the process of molecular migration. In this aim, experience is allied with theory in order to deliver a validated theoretical and computational toolkit to describe and predict the phenomena. Effects of polarity mismatch and of a second migrant (carvone, triacetin) over a first one (sorbitol) has been assessed. The surface energy of the films of different composition reveals the presence of both migrants to the surface. The influence of temperature by annealing the films shows that the molecules of the smallest molecular weight are driven to the surface. The more polarity mismatched the migrants are the more the smallest molecules are surface segregated. Surface micro-structures and self-organization of the molecules are also evidenced by atomic force microscopy and ion beam analysis supplemented by neutron reflectometry. As films under static conditions have been studied, we also wish to explore the more challenging conditions of materials under controlled strain.
Ahmed Rashed
Gemsa Petroleum Company (GEMPETCO), Egypt
Title: Petrophysical characterization and oil potentialities of unconventional resource development by utilizing physics of well log analysis and delta log r technique

Eng. Ahmed Rashed is a Petrophysics Deapartment Head at Gemsa Petroleum Company since April, 2008. He held different positions such as; log analyst consultant for Petro-Graphics Petroleum Service Company and a Consultant Petrophysicist for Optimal Reservoirs LLC based in Oklahoma in the USA. He also worked as a Well Site Geologist at AGIBA Petroleum Company. In addition, Ahmed worked as a Petrophysics Course Instructor at Many national and International Companies. He is more interested for the characterization of unconventional reservoirs with different lithology by different techniques and technology. Finally, Ahmed is a member of both the EPEX, SPE and the SPWLA chapters in Egypt.
Looking at a formation as a source rock, then turning around and considering it a viable reservoir requires you to be able to shift your thinking and to analyze a great deal of data in a new way. If you don’t, you risk not understanding the nature of “sweet spots”. Method and/or Theory Petrophysical well log and formation micro-imager data (FMI) were integrated in an analysis of the reservoir characteristics. The study essentially determined reservoir properties such as lithology, shale volume, porosity (Φ), permeability (K), fluid saturation, and net pay thickness. Shale volume (Vsh) was calculated by CGR instead of total GR due to influence of organic matter and uranium concentration. Log interpretation indicated porosity in the 8-20 PU range by using neutron & density model , as well as movable hydrocarbons. The well was tested and produced oil at a fair rate. The methodology of Passey et al (1990) was used for Delta Log R calculation of TOC and involved overlay and base-lining of the resistivity and sonic logs and consideration of thermal maturity patterns. â–³logR technique is proposed by EXXON and ESSO company (Passey,1990) which employs the overlaying of porosity logs (sonic, density, neutron) in arithmetic coordinate and resistivity log in logarithmic coordinate with fixed superposition coefficient to identify and calculate TOC. With the appropriate baseline, we can calculate the â–³logR distribution to establish the quantitative interpretation relationship between TOC and â–³logR. Best calibration was made using the available data such as Image logs and â–³logR technique through wire line logs. Old wells was drilled on the same structure and exhibited the same characteristics (shows, logs). Conclusions These Source rocks are found to be highly productive reservoirs themselves, exhibit very good Porosity and fracture network. They give low and high productivity in some intervals according production logging tool (PLT). High geothermal gradient caused maturation of these formations. Uranium content masked the total GR response, So Spectral GR logs (SGR) should be highly recommended in unconventional resources to evaluate the clay content. â–³logR technique reflects mature source rocks with excellent quality, TOC is in the range of 2-9%, and matching with production.
Ahmed A. Soltan
Mansoura University, Egypt
Title: The infinty of science and the theory of everything

Ahmed A Soltan has studied Pharmaceutical Science at Mansoura University. He has worked as a Pharmacist at Global Napi Pharmaceutical Company, Egypt. He has many researches in physics and has written a book which was published by Lambert academic publishing with ISBN 978-3-330-00876-2
Theory of everything is one of the major unsolved problems in physics. There are many trials from ancient Greece to Einstein to get the theory that explains everything and give answers to all the scientific problems. There are some trials after that such as string theory, super string theory and M- theory but all of these trials lead to more unsolved problems in physics. Theory of everything is the theory that fully explains and links together all physical aspects of the universe. There is a philosophical debate within the physics community as to whether a theory of everything deserves to be called the fundamental law of the universe or not. In my theory, I have explained and linked together all the forces that exist in the universe such as strong nuclear forces, weak nuclear forces, electromagnetic forces and gravity. I have also given an explanation about dark matter and dark energy. I have also discovered the fundamental law of the universe. By my theory, I have solved all the problems of science and I have given many applications in the most vital things such as water, food and medication. Philosophy of science is the most important branch of science as wisdom includes science. Wisdom measures the degree of logistic thinking in philosophy and science. Philosophy refers to the capability of imagination but it should be ruled by logic. All great scientists are philosophers before they are scientists. I have given also a way to solve Riemann hypothesis, which is one of the most complicated problems in mathematics.
Boumerdes University, Algeria
Title: The enthalpy behavior of ZnO wurtzite phase under isothermal and isobaric ensemble a molecular dynamics rediction

Yahia Chergui is a permanent Teacher in Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineering. His research field is Condensed Matter using Molecular Dynamics and Dl_Poly software.
In this work, we investigated parallel molecular dynamics technique and DL_POLY software to study ZnO wurtzite phase in an isothermal and isobaric ensemble under different temperature and pressure, 300-300 K and 0-200 Gpa respectively. The calculations were done in the supercomputer of Cardiff University in UK. In this work, we analysed the behavior of enthalpy of system; evolution in time of simulation 300 ps, the effect of pressure and temperature on the enthalpy and the equilibrium time versus pressure. Our results are in agreement with some available date, due to no more results for comparison under the previous extreme conditions of pressure and temperature. Our results have a great importance especially in medicine, pharmacy and in geophysics also in nanotechnology.
Fatma Zouari Ahmed
Echahid Hamma Lakhdar University, Algeria
Title: Fluctuation properties and effective temperature of strongly interacting 1d bosons after a quench

Fatma Zouari Ahmed is a PhD student of Physics major in Echahid Hamma Lakhdar University, Algeria. She has published more than five articles as a student and her current interest lies in Quantum Physics.
We make use of the exact mapping of hardcore bosons onto free fermions to investigate their fluctuations properties in momentum space, both in the equilibrium Gibbs Ensemble (GE), as well as in the generalized Gibbs Ensemble (GGE) describing the long-time evolution after a quantum quench. For the system at equilibrium we test the validity of a fluctuation-dissipation relation connecting the momentum distribution gradient with noise correlations in momentum space. This relation offers a fundamental tool for primary thermometry in weakly interacting, homogeneous systems, and it is found to be useful for the thermometry of hardcore bosons as well, over a broad temperature range. We then turn to the GGE description of the post-quench stationary state, showing that a similar thermometric scheme can provide a close estimate of the effective temperature of the system, which is generally defined by matching the internal energy of the system after the quench with the thermal one. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of primary noise thermometry in the GGE without previous knowledge of the equation of state of the target Hamiltonian, and offer detailed insights into the fluctuation properties of non-equilibrium stationary states realized by strongly correlated quantum systems.